As with all treatments, there are many things to consider when deciding if a transplant is right for you. A successful transplant can help you return to a state of good health. You will feel better and have more energy than you would have had on dialysis. Following a successful transplant your fluid and diet restrictions are less than they would be on dialysis.
A successful transplant can last for many years, but for many patients it may not last for a lifetime. If a transplant fails, dialysis is still an option and even a second transplant may be a good option for some patients. Talk to your doctor about the expected life span of a transplanted kidney.
It is important to remember that transplantation is a treatment, not a permanent cure for your kidney disease.
Per ERBP Guidelines 2015 Recommendations:
For Type I DM and CKD stage 5 patients:
For Type II DM and CDK stage 5 patients: