The peritoneal cavity is a space in the abdomen naturally found in everyone’s body. A thin lining called the peritoneal membrane covers this space. The peritoneal membrane is used as a filter to clean the blood and remove excess body water.
To do this type of dialysis, a special fluid called “PD solution” is used to fill the peritoneal cavity. The PD solution stays there for several hours. During this time, waste products and extra water move from your blood through the peritoneal membrane and into the PD solution. After a few hours, the used PD solution is drained and replaced with fresh solution. This process is known as an exchange.
This exchange is repeated 4-5 times a day.
PD can be done in two ways.
Both of these methods of treatment are usually performed at home.
The choice between them depends on your personal likes, dislikes and lifestyle choices.
In addition, you may have a medical condition that would make one or the other a better choice – your doctor can advise you regarding this.